As part of the development and growth of Audacia Group, my main task was to establish and integrate a joint HR structure for the parent company and its entities. And this has been a real challenge! There are no set rules that tell you “when” and “why” you establish a HR structure in your organization. A reason to make this decision could be acquiring new companies that already have their own administrative independence, which was exactly the case when I joined Audacia.
Other factors that can encourage business owners to integrate and set up a HR department could be an increase in the number of employees, growth of activities relating to HR functions or a desire to standardize internal processes. All these elements also played a part in the decision to establish an HR structure within Audacia Group.
Managing a talent pool for the group
One of the main visions for Audacia Group is to create a center for competencies, that brings together different types of talented individuals, who can offer their know-how and daily support to the various entities of the group. Having a shared HR structure allows the CEOs of the various entities to have access to strategic partners who share a global group vision. This undeniably adds value to the overall company structure, as well as to the individual entities.
The HR function includes two elements: financial and human. As for the first element, it’s main function is to ensure a certain level of productivity to ensure the company can run smoothly as a whole. As for the second element, it’s main function is to provide and maintain a high level of job satisfaction among employees. This means that the HR function should always have the human element in mind, while defining the company’s general strategy. Human resource management actually covers the employee’s entire employment life cycle. People are creating value and, as we often forget, they are the most important resource of the whole organization. The HR department’s main objective is therefore to provide the company with efficient and fulfilled human capital.
Various challenges and missions
One of the main challenges you’re faced with when integrating a HR function into a group structure is when you’re looking to define a policy that’s clear to everyone and rooted in the identity, values and culture of the company. First, it’s important to define the main needs and priorities, and secondly you establish an efficient administrative management system. This mainly refers to things like managing employment contracts, personnel administration and salary management. Below are the main objectives of establishing a Human Resources policy:
– Establishment and unification of clear rules in the organization, while at the same time safeguarding the interests of all the employees working at each entity
– Compliance with the relevant legislation relating to the current employment contracts
– Creating a sense of belonging within the group
– Management of resources in accordance with financial requirements
Then, in the long term, and in order to benefit from an optimal HR structure that’s in line with the company’s vision, I will work on several different missions, including the following points:
Identifying, crafting, developing the corporate image
Talent management & recruitment, communication
Implementing HR management processes
Digitalization, automation and documentation
Improving employee commitment
Supporting, training, empowering and valuing employees
Creating and strengthening the corporate culture
Creating and fostering a sense of belonging
Looking for synergies in terms of skills
Work organization and business knowledge base creation
Mastering legislation
Legal monitoring and wage policy establishment
Benefits for both managers and employees
At a group level, several aspects will guarantee that the company’s overall strategy will be successfully implemented. Firstly, by harmonizing or simplifying the compensation policy. Secondly, proximity human resources management and actions to promote parity within the company. And finally, by implementing career development options and measures aimed at developing employees’ well-being at work.
Unified HR structure integration into a group like Audacia has several advantages, both for managers and for employees. First of all, their time can be freed up from various administrative tasks and this will give them time to focus on managerial activities instead. They’ll also benefit from the automation of administrative processes, from having a group-wide vision and from digitalization of human resources processes. Secondly, employees will benefit from availability, listening, discretion, supporting advice in managing changes at work, personal and individual monitoring and a social approach to the contractual relationship.
Above all, the idea is to integrate a HR structure and long-term vision within the group so that it provides real added value for top management and employees alike. Once the foundation has been firmly laid, acquisition and integration of new entities will be much quicker and easier operations to manage and will save a considerable amount of administrative time. We’ll also be able to focus on developing skills and enhancing Audacia’s human capital.

HR specialist at Audacia Group
After a successful sales apprenticeship, Krystel worked in several fields and trained as an executive assistant. During those 3 years, she developed a real interest in the management of human resources and she took her career in that direction. She is currently HR specialist at Audacia Group and in the process of obtaining the federal diploma of human resources specialist.